
Calle Molinell, 25. 46010. Valencia (España)
8 h. a 16.30 h. de Lunes a Viernes

Export specialists.
More than 11 years trading fruit and vegetables.


Molinell Street, 25,1
46010 Valencia (Spain)
+34 96 389 80 87

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We produce and commercialize fruits and vegetables

Somos especialistas en la producción y comercialización de productos hortofrutícolas. Poseemos una amplia red de proveedores integrados, con los cuales trabajamos unidos, para proporcionar mayor servicio y calidad a nuestros clientes.


Creemos y fomentamos una serie de principios: respeto al medio ambiente (cuidado del agua, reciclado y tratamiento de residuos, uso de energías renovables y lograr el autoconsumo energético) bienestar y calidad de vida de nuestros colaboradores y cooperación con los proveedores.

Quality and freshness guaranteed

Podemos garantizar una calidad y frescura excepcional hasta el consumidor final. Realizamos inspecciones regularmente tanto en el lugar de cultivo, como en el posterior envasado, hasta el tratamiemto final.

Production and commercialization of fruits and vegetables

We specialize in the production and commercialization of fruits and vegetables.We have an extensive network of integrated suppliers, with whom we work together, to provide greater service and quality to our customers.


We believe and encourage a series of principles: respect for the environment (care for the water, recycling and waste treatment, use of renewable energy and focus on energy self-consumption), well-being and quality of life of our employees and cooperation with our suppliers.

Quality and freshness guaranteed

We can guarantee exceptional quality and freshness to the final consumer. We carry out regular inspections both at the place of origin and in the following packaging, until the final treatment.

Picobello Fruits

A reference in fruits and vegetables

PicoBello Fruits

PicoBello Fruits defines itself as a dynamic and professional company, which is present in the main activities in the fruit and vegetable sector.

We offer fruits and vegetables through an international business model, based on the quality and freshness of our products and their specialized logistics distribution. All focused on customer satisfaction.

Based in Valencia, PicoBello Fruits collects a know-how of more than 11 years in distribution services in European countries, mainly in Germany. Indeed, we have a range of producers and highly specialized companies that follow our same philosophy.

PicoBello Fruits EST 2011
More than 11 years trading with fruits and vegetables


Export specialists

We specialize in the production and export of fruits and vegetables. We work together with our integrated suppliers. We are closely linked to the agricultural production.

Modern equipment
Farms "fincas" from 30 ha. to 60 ha.
Fresh fruits and vegetables

Our history

Since 2011


Offering value since 2011

Varieties of products
(counting conventional y ecological)
+ 0
Integrated suppliers
+ 0
Millions Kg. yearly
+ 0
PicoBello Fruits

¿Interested in working with us?

If you wish to know more in detail our products and services, please get in touch with us.
We will get back to you ASAP.

Distintions of quality

Quality certifications

Estamos aquí

Calle Molinell, 25
46020 Valencia


+34 96 389 80 87

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